Cicero was thought to be the greatest orator in the Roman world during his life. Cicero wrote a variety of philosophical, rhetorical (on the study and practice of rhetoric), political and legal works. However, this compilation does not include any of those works. Instead, it is composed entirely of his speeches. There are nine, and they are ordered chronologically through his life.
Twenty years after creating the phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard returns to its roots with the most powerful and essential title in the series as he explores the skills needed to empower yourself to success.
The Keep It Simple Series — the greatest guides ever! This book covers every aspect of selling including managing your time, setting goals, and building a rapport with accounts.
Fold your way to happiness through the inspiring philosophy of Senbazuru—the tradition of folding one thousand paper cranes—with a leading voice in the global mindfulness movement as your guide.
Sense and Sensibility tells the story of the impoverished Dashwood family, focusing on the sisters Elinor and Marianne, personifications of good sense (common sense) and sensibility (emotionality), respectively.
Lajla, një vajzë e vogël 5 vjeçare, zhduket në një qendër tregtare të Los Anxhelosit. Prindërit e saj, të thyer, të vrarë shpirtërisht ndahen nga njëri tjetri. Pesë vjet më vonë, vajza gjendet pikërisht në të njëjtin vend ku kishte humbur. Ajo është gjallë, por e zhytur në një heshtje dhe mister të thellë.
Kjo është një seri libërthash edukativë për vogëlushë, me shenjëza treguese, që përbëhet nga 4 tituj: “Libërthi im i parë i formave”, “Libërthi im i parë i ngjyrave”, “Libërthi im i parë i numrave” dhe “Libërthi im i parë i të kundërtave”.