• (0 reviews)

    In Love & Pajamas

    2,000 L

    From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Snug and the bestselling Little Moments of Love comes an all-new collection, In Love & Pajamas by Catana Chetwynd of Catana Comics!  The book includes 2 pages of stickers in the back!

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    In Our Time: Stories (Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories)

    650 L

    Hemingway made his North American literary debut in 1925 with In Our Time, his first collection of short stories and vignettes.

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    In search of silence

    1,650 L

    Poorna Bell was sold the fairytale of life. That love wins the day. That marriage is the rescue to an otherwise unhappy existence. That children are the natural progression of any relationship. But really, is it? Are we actually being honest with ourselves about the expectations we have set for ourselves? Are we able to distinguish between what we really need from life, from everything that we have been conditioned to want? Because the current rhetoric doesn’t prepare you for the reality of life.

  • (0 reviews)

    In the City

    1,000 L

    Introducing the interactive Little World series from Ladybird that makes our big world little.

  • (0 reviews)

    In the FLO A 28-day plan working with your monthly cycle to do more & Womancode

    2,700 L

    In the FLO: A 28-day plan working with your monthly cycle to do more and stress less

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    In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

    2,300 L

    A groundbreaking work on the root causes of addiction – and how to heal it – from the legendary Dr Gabor Maté To heal addiction, you have to go back to the start…

  • 25% Ulje
    (0 reviews)

    In the Summertime

    1,125 L

    Set in a sunny seaside town, the heroine gets involved in dastardly deeds which she needs to help sort out – which she does with great aplomb. A reminder that you don’t always have to go away to find romance and adventure – sometimes they can be found on your own doorstep.

  • (0 reviews)


    700 L

    Inati, rrëfenja për arsimimin e një të riu mes mundësive tmerruese dhe pengesave të pashpjegueshme të jetës, është një kontribut i fuqishëm në zhbirimin që Roth i bën ndikimit të historisë amerikane mbi jetën e individit të brishtë.

  • (0 reviews)


    1,000 L

    Në Paris, Znj. Dudevant vdes. Po Zhorzh Sandi bëhet i njohur si një djalosh i fortë e plot jetë, për hir të Indianës, romanit të parë

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    Influenca psikologjia e bindjes

    1,300 L

    Ky libër është një manual i shkëlqyer për të kuptuar sjelljen njerëzore, dhe për të kuptuar artin e bindjes. Dr. Robert Caldini e ka sjellë për lexuesit këtë botim pas një përvoje 35 vjeçare kërkimesh dhe studimesh, duke sjellë gjashtë parime universale të mjeshtrisë së bindjes. Si i tillë, ky është manual bazë, me vlera të jashtëzakoshme për ekspertët e marketingut dhe të komunikimit. 

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    2,750 L

    One of the government’s former behavioural scientists reveals how you can do what you want, whilst everybody tries to influence you into doing what they want.

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    Inner Engineering : A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

    2,000 L

    Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy is a 2016 book authored by an Indian yogi and mystic Jaggi Vasudev. The book was featured among The New York Times Best Seller in the spirituality and self help category for November 2016.

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    Inner Game Of Tennis

    1,800 L

    The Inner Game of Tennis is a revolutionary program for overcoming the self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses of concentration that can keep a player from winning.

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    Inside the Nudge Unit

    1,750 L

    Behavioral scientist Dr. David Halpern heads up the UK government’s “Nudge Unit,” the world’s first government institution that uses behavioral economics to examine and influence human behavior, to “nudge” us into making better decisions.

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    Inteligjenca emocionale

    1,400 L

    A na e përcakton koeficienti i inteligjencës fatin? Jo aq sa mund të mendojmë ne. Bestselleri i autorit Daniel Goleman na tërheq vëmendjen se këndvështrimi ynë për inteligjencën njerëzore është shumë i ngushtë. Arsyeja është se ne injorojmë një sërë aftësish që kanë ndikim shumë të madh në ecurinë e jetës sonë.

  • (0 reviews)

    Inteligjenca emocionale 2.0

    1,200 L