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    King Lear

    500 L

    Epic and tragic in its scope, ‘King Lear’ explores a king’s demise into madness and insanity when he is betrayed by two of his manipulative and scheming daughters.

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    King of greed

    1,650 L

    Ana Huang is a New York Times, USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestselling author. Best known for her Twisted series, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance with deliciously alpha heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of steam, angst, and swoon sprinkled in.

  • (0 reviews)

    King of Pride

    1,650 L

    Ana Huang is a New York Times, USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestselling author. Best known for her Twisted series, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance with deliciously alpha heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of steam, angst, and swoon sprinkled in. Her books have been sold to over two dozen foreign publishers for translation and featured in outlets such as NPR, Cosmopolitan, Financial Times, and Glamour UK.

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    King of Wrath

    1,650 L

    Ana Huang is a New York Times, USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestselling author. Best known for her Twisted series, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance with deliciously alpha heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of steam, angst, and swoon sprinkled in. Her books have been sold to over two dozen foreign publishers for translation and featured in outlets such as NPR, Cosmopolitan, Financial Times, and Glamour UK.

    A self-professed travel enthusiast, she loves incorporating beautiful destinations into her stories and will never say no to a good chai latte.

    When she’s not reading or writing, Ana is busy daydreaming and scouring Yelp for her next favorite restaurant.

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    King Solomon’s Mines

    500 L

    The book was first published in September 1885 amid considerable fanfare, with billboards and posters around London announcing “The Most Amazing Book Ever Written”. It became an immediate best seller. By the late 19th century, explorers were uncovering ancient civilisations and their remains around the world, such as Egypt’s Valley of the Kings and the empire of Assyria. Inner Africa remained largely unexplored and King Solomon’s Mines, one of the first novels of African adventure published in English, captured the public’s imagination.

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    King’s cage

    1,500 L

    The third book in the thrilling #1 New York Times bestselling series!

  • Sasi e limituar
    (0 reviews)

    Kishim një ëndërr

    1,000 L

    Femra është viktima e parë e realitetit të romanit. Skenat e veprës gërshetojnë tragjizmin, neverinë realiste, grotesken, komiken dhe dhimbjen se ajo që lexon është një realitet që përjetohet çdo ditë.

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    Kiss that frog

    1,650 L

    Just like the lonely princess in the fairy tale who was reluctant to lock lips with a warty frog and transform him into a handsome prince, something stops many of us short of attaining our dreams. Our negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes can threaten to keep us from achieving all that we’re capable of. Here bestselling author and speaker Brian Tracy and his daughter, therapist Christina Tracy Stein, provide a set of practical, proven strategies anyone can use to turn those negative frogs into positive princes.

  • Sasi e limituar
    (0 reviews)

    Kjo anë e Parajsës

    900 L

    Kjo Anë e Parajsës, romani i parë i Ficxheraldit, rezultoi një sukses i menjëhershëm, i jashtëzakonshëm, kur u botua për herë të parë në vitin 1920; kjo vepër ndërtoi famën e tij letrare. Ndoshta romani më përcaktues i atij Brezi të Humbur, ky rrëfen historinë e Amori Bllejnit, një student i pashëm, i pasur i Prinstonit, i cili përfshihet pa shumë entuziazëm në kulte letrare, aktivitete liberale studentore dhe një numër flirtesh boshe me gra të reja. Megjithatë, kur më në fund bie vërtet në dashuri, vajza e refuzon për një tjetër.

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    2,500 L

    Klara and the Sun is the first novel by Kazuo Ishiguro since he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 2017.

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    Klara and the Sun 

    1,650 L

    From her place in the store, Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, watches carefully the behaviour of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the street outside.

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    Klara dhe dielli

    1,200 L

    Nga autori i romanit “Dita e mbetur”, një tjetër roman i mrekullueshëm – i pari pas fitimit të çmimit Nobel në Letërsi – mbi natyrën e mahnitshme dhe misterioze të zemrës së njeriut.

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    1,400 L

    Fitues i çmimit “Pulitzer”, libri “Kleopatra” sjell në jetë gruan më intriguese të historisë së botës: Kleopatrën, mbretëreshën e fundit të Egjiptit. Pallati i saj vetëtinte nga oniksi, gurët e çmuar dhe floriri, e megjithatë ishte edhe më i pasur në intriga politike dhe seksuale. Përmbi gjithçka, Kleopatra ishte një stratege mendjehollë dhe negociatore e lindur.

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    Klubi 5 e mëngjesit

    1,200 L

    Në këtë libër revolucionar, punë rigoroze 4-vjeçare e autorit, ju do të zbuloni zakonin e të ngriturit herët, që ka ndihmuar kaq shumë njerëz të arrijnë rezultate të mahnitshme, duke rritur lumturinë, dashamirësinë dhe ndjesinë e të qenit gjallë. Nëse i vini synim vetes për t’i realizuar qëllimet e tuaja, mund t’ia dilni! Një libër që do t’jua ndryshojë jetën përgjithmonë!