• Sasi e limituar
    (0 reviews)

    Gj?ra q? nuk i tham? kurr?

    1,400 L

    Përveç kësaj, Lina nuk krijon lidhje. Kurrë. Një aventurë e nxehtë afatshkurtër me një polic të këtushëm? As që bëhet fjalë. Sapo te gjejë atë që po kërkon, nuk ka ndërmend të qëndrojë më gjatë aty. Por Nokemauti ka mënyrën e tij për t’i bërë njerëzit për vete. Dhe me të vendosur që ta bëjë Linën të tijën, Nashi nuk do të tërhiqet më…. edhe pse një gjë e tillë mund ta vërë përballë rrezikut për jetën.

  • (0 reviews)

    God of fury

    3,000 L

    From USA Today bestselling author Rina Kent comes a new STANDALONE MM college romance.

  • (0 reviews)

    God of Malice

    3,000 L

    From USA Today bestselling author Rina Kent comes a new STANDALONE dark romance about a villain and his new obsession.

  • (0 reviews)

    Hajduti dhe rebelja

    1,200 L

    “Hajduti dhe rebelja” është një histori dashurie universale, që kapërcen klasat shoqërore e tregon në mënyrë prekëse se vështirësitë mund të na mësojnë gjënë më të rëndësishme: guximin për t’i bërë ballë gjithçkaje, vullnetin për të ndryshuar dhe besimin pa kushte te njëri-tjetri

  • (0 reviews)

    Hating Game

    1,700 L

    ‘Acerbic and sexy and filled with tension . . . a wicked, witty romance that will capture readers’ hearts long before Joshua manages to capture Lucy’s’ Sarah MacLean, Washington Post

  • (0 reviews)

    Haunting Adeline vol.1

    3,000 L

    Adeline is an author who moves into her grandmother’s old home after she passes away. Adeline was close to her grandmother and felt a pull to come back to the home that always fascinated her. While living in the house, she discovers family secrets that have been buried for a long time, secrets involving her great grandmother. Her great grandmother was stalked, but here’s the kicker? Her great grandmother had a spicy affair with her stalker! Adeline’s great grandmother was murdered and she works with her best friend to figure out who did it. While trying to solve this mystery, Adeline finds herself in the same place as her great grandmother did with a hot stalker.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus – Blood of Olympus

    1,400 L

    The series follows seven demigods—children of one divine and one mortal parent—as they try to stop the earth goddess, Gaea, from rising to power.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus The Lost Hero

    1,500 L

    The Lost Hero is about a young boy, Jason, and his friends, Leo and Piper, who learn that they are demigods (the god’s children) and go to stay at the mysterious Camp Half Blood.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

    1,500 L

    The Mark of Athena is the explosive third part in Rick Riordan’s number one series – Heroes of Olympus.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune

    1,500 L

    The Son of Neptune is the second title in this number one, bestselling spin-off series from Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus- The House of Hades

    1,400 L

    The House of Hades is a fantasy-adventure novel written by American author Rick Riordan, based on Greek and Roman mythology.

  • (0 reviews)

    Heroes of Olympus: The Demigod Diaries

    1,650 L

    Set five years before the start of The Lightning Thief and narrated by Luke Castellan, this story follows the adventures of Luke and his companion, Thalia Grace, as they meet with Halcyon Green, a prophetic, desolate demigod son of Apollo, who briefly foretells their futures.

  • (0 reviews)

    Hipoteza e dashurisë

    1,250 L

    Bestselleri absolut. Një nga romancat më të bukura të ditë tona shkruar nga Ali Hazelwood vjen në shqip nga Botimet Univers

  • (0 reviews)

    House of Sky and Breath

    3,000 L

    In House of Sky and Breath, the rebellion—known as Ophion—is more powerful than ever. Bryce Quinlan, the half-Fae, half-human protagonist, and her friends get drawn into a rebel plot. In the process, they learn uncomfortable truths that upturn all the official histories they have ever believed.

  • (0 reviews)

    House of Sky and Breath

    1,650 L

    Number 1, New York Times bestseller! Sarah J. Maas’s sexy, groundbreaking CRESCENT CITY series continues with the second installment.

  • (0 reviews)

    How the king of Elfhame learned to hate stories

    2,750 L

    Once upon a time there was a boy with a wicked tongue…