Genetics in Minutes is your compact and accessible guide to the central concepts of the science of genetics, revealing how our genes shape our bodies and our lives, and how in turn we are beginning to shape them. Covering the basics of DNA, inheritance, and evolution in animals, plants, and humans alike–from the origins and development of life to the human genome and designer babies–this is the fastest, fullest path to understanding genetics
Autori bestseller i New York Times-it, Mitch Albom, është një rrëfimtar magjik, që ngjall shpresë përmes rrëfimeve universale të dobësive tona njerëzore, si dhe të kërkimit të vazhdueshëm të kuptimit të jetës. “Gënjeshtra e parë” na tregon se si një tragjedi kolektive mund të përkthehet në plagë individuale, secila prej tyre e thellë dhe e fshehur, të cilat ndikojnë në mënyrë të tërthortë më pas në jetët e qindra mijëra të tjerëve. Albom-i rrëfen se si dëmet dhe dhimbjet nuk mbeten kurrë të izoluara, ato shpërndahen nëpër njerëz e në kohë, për të prekur tinëzisht secilin prej nesh.
George and Annie are off on another cosmic adventure inspired by the Mars Expedition in the fifth book of the George’s Secret Key series from Stephen and Lucy Hawking.
George’s pet pig breaks through the fence into the garden next door – introducing him to his new neighbours: the scientist, Eric, his daughter, Annie, and a super-intelligent computer called Cosmos. And from that moment George’s life will never be the same again, for Cosmos can open a portal to any point in outer space . . .
It is about a young boy, George, who is forced to stay with his witchlike grandmother, with a penchant for eating bugs. However, considering her elderly state, she must have her medication each day, and her grandson must bring it to her.
This first science book exploring the science behind light provides a great foundation for scientific knowledge. From topics such as shadows and relection to colour and rainbows, the book has clear information and fun illustrations. It also has of interactivity such as challenges to think about and activities to try.
A great deal of ink has been spilled on the subject of motivating and influencing others, but what happens when the person you most want to influence is you?
Mësojani bebes fjalët e para përmes sipërfaqeve të ndryshme, të cilat ajo mund t’i prekë me gishtat e saj të brishtë. Prekni, përkëdhelni dhe gudulisni së bashku figurat e librit, si dhe ndihmojeni të zbulojë fjalët e para.
A heartbreaking, triumphant, funny and hopeful story of one girl’s battle with self harm. Charlie Davis is in pieces. At seventeen, she’s already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget it through cutting; the pain washes out the sorrow until there is nothing but calm.