A masterpiece of psychological insight, Dostoevsky’s 1866 novel features some of its author’s most memorable characters – from the temperamental protagonist Raskolnikov to the amoral sensualist Svidrigailov and the immoral lawyer Luzhin. Presented here in a sparkling new translation by Roger Cockerell, Crime and Punishment is a towering work in nineteenth-century Russian fiction and a landmark of world literature.
The system that governs how money works, with its brokers and middlemen, has stayed roughly the same for centuries. Now there’s an alternative, and it puts us on the cusp of a revolution that could reshape our world.
Kush vendos për dashurinë dhe ndjenjat tona: ajo çfarë dëshirojmë ne apo ajo që fati na ka caktuar? A e përcaktojnë zgjedhjet tona lumturinë që ëndërrojmë apo forca të tjera jashtë nesh na e diktojnë atë, edhe fatin tonë?
Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world today, a growing health crisis that affects us all. It is a complex and diverse condition. But it is also highly treatable
Made in brass with antique effect plated finishes and simple etched detail, the set comprises of a drowsy dog, cosy cat, quiet mouse, furled fox and a sleepy owl. What could be more snug for an evening’s relaxing read?
Made in brass with antique effect plated finishes and simple etched detail, the set comprises of a drowsy dog, cosy cat, quiet mouse, furled fox and a sleepy owl. What could be more snug for an evening’s relaxing read?
Made in brass with antique effect plated finishes and simple etched detail, the set comprises of a drowsy dog, cosy cat, quiet mouse, furled fox and a sleepy owl. What could be more snug for an evening’s relaxing read?
Made in brass with antique effect plated finishes and simple etched detail, the set comprises of a drowsy dog, cosy cat, quiet mouse, furled fox and a sleepy owl. What could be more snug for an evening’s relaxing read?
The book is about a warmhearted schoolgirl named Mayzie McGrew who one day suddenly sprouts a bright white daisy from her head. It causes alarm in her classroom, family, and town, until an agent makes her a celebrity. Mayzie becomes overwhelmed and distraught over the situation and runs away.
A gripping novel about the whirlwind rise of an iconic 1970s rock group and their beautiful lead singer, revealing the mystery behind their infamous breakup.“I devoured Daisy Jones & The Six in a day, falling head over heels for it. …
Hot on the heels (or lobster claws) of the best-selling Salvador Dalí phenomenon, Les dîners de Gala, TASCHEN presents the artists equally surreal and sensual viticulture follow-up: The Wines of Gala.
Daniel Glattauer, shkrimtar dhe gazetar, ka lindur në vitin 1960 nëVjenë. Ja disa nga librat e shkruar prej tij: ”Numërimi i milingonave” (2001); ”Sepse” ( 2003) ; ”Zogjtë ulërijnë” (2004); ”Qeni i Krishtlindjes” (botim i ri, 2004). Romani ”A të kam folur ndonjëherë për erën e veriut?” (2006) arriti të bëhej bestseller dhe është përkthyer tashmë në shumë gjuhë të huaja. Ai ka korrur sukses edhe në formë të përpunuar për teatër, si dhe i digjitalizuar.
“Damka e turpit”, libri që udhëhoqi revolucionin e romantizmit të errët vjen sot, kaq shekuj më pas, si një histori e vërtetë pasioni për moralin dhe shoqërinë.
Duke luajtur si përherë me kufijtë mes ëndrrës dhe realitetit, në kërkim të lidhjeve njerëzore të shoqërisë së kapitalizmit të avancuar dhe me analiza të holla muzikore tipike të tij, Murakami ia doli të shkruajë këtë histori të mrekullueshme, që sipas fjalëve të atij vetë, u bë libri i tij më i dashur që ka shkruar deri tani.