• (0 reviews)


    500 L

    Dramatic and powerful in its scope, ‘Othello’ explores the perils of suspicion and jealousy and the ensuing breakdown of relationships and disaster that can arise from such emotions. Othello secretly marries Desdemona, but is led to believe that she has been unfaithful to him by his ensign, Iago, leading to tragic events.

  • 25% Ulje
    (0 reviews)

    Our Violent Ends

    Çmimi origjinal qe: 2,450 L.Çmimi i tanishëm është: 1,838 L.

    Shanghai is under siege in this captivating and searingly romantic sequel to These Violent Delights, which New York Times bestselling author Natasha Ngan calls “deliciously dark.”

  • 25% Ulje
    (0 reviews)

    Pack Up the Moon

    Çmimi origjinal qe: 1,650 L.Çmimi i tanishëm është: 1,238 L.

    Joshua Park never expected to be a widower at the age of thirty. Given his solitary job, small circle of friends and family, and the social awkwardness he’s always suffered from, he has no idea how to negotiate this new, unwanted phase of life.

  • (0 reviews)

    Pale fire

    1,650 L

    A novel constructed around the last great poem of a fictional American poet, John Shade, and an account of his death. The poem appears in full and the narrative develops through the lengthy, and increasingly eccentric, notes by his posthumous editor.

  • (0 reviews)


    2,450 L

    A pure pleasure of a novel set in Georgian London, where the discovery of a mysterious ancient Greek vase sets in motion conspiracies, revelations and romance.

  • (0 reviews)

    Parasyte 1

    1,700 L

    They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human flesh. They are everywhere. They are parasites, alien creatures who must invade—and take control of—a human host to survive. 

  • (0 reviews)

    Parisian Gentleman

    4,500 L

    In a new compact edition, a luxurious celebration of the elegant craftsmanship behind the timeless French men’s fashion and lifestyle labels. 

  • (0 reviews)

    Përdhunimi një histori dashurie

    1,000 L

    “Përdhunimi” nuk është roman feminist, sepse përdhunimi në vetvete nuk është çështje feminizmi, por çështje e të drejtave bazë të njeriut. Me një ritëm tërësisht rrëmbyes, theksuar nga britma vetmitare nëpër natë dhe pëshpërima tmerri pasditeve, Joyce Carol Oates rrëfen historinë e Tinës dhe Bethit, vajzës së saj, të agresorëve të tyre dhe të hakmarrësit të tyre të heshtur, një burrë që e di fort domethënien e drejtësisë dhe të dashurisë.

  • (0 reviews)

    Perfume: A Century of Scents

    1,800 L

    Signature scents and now lost masterpieces; the visionaries who conceived them; the wild and wonderful campaigns that launched them; the women and men who wore them – every perfume has a tale to tell.

  • (0 reviews)


    500 L

    Anne Elliot is persuaded to reject a marriage proposal from handsome Captain Wentworth because he lacks rank or fortune. But when he returns home from the Navy, more than seven years later, Anne realises she still has strong feelings for him, despite the fact that his attentions have now turned towards her friend.

  • (0 reviews)


    2,750 L

    ‘In Persuasion, Jane Austen is beginning to discover that the world is larger, more mysterious, and more romantic than she had supposed’ Virginia Woolf

  • (0 reviews)


    1,150 L

    Persuasion tells the story of a second chance, the reawakening of love between Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth, whom eight years earlier she had been persuaded not to marry. Wentworth returns from the Napoleonic Wars with prize money and the social acceptability of naval rank

  • (0 reviews)


    3,250 L

    Persuasion is a novel by Jane Austen in which the 27-year-old Anne Russell, who broke off a youthful engagement with Captain Frederick Wentworth, reconciles with him before the two again become engaged. Years after their engagement, Anne and Wentworth meet again. 

  • (0 reviews)

    Peter Pan

    1,950 L

    “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” –J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan

  • 25% Ulje
    (0 reviews)

    Phenomenal Woman ( HC )

    Çmimi origjinal qe: 2,350 L.Çmimi i tanishëm është: 1,763 L.

    A collection of beloved poems about women from the iconic Maya Angelou

  • (0 reviews)

    Pinch of Nom Comfort Food : 100 Slimming, Satisfying Recipes

    3,000 L

    More than a hundred hearty, easy and slimming recipes from Kate Allinson and Kay Featherstone, authors of the bestselling Pinch of Nom series