The Modern Break-Up

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A novel full of truths about dating, separations and love: direct, raw and damn revealing!

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“I don’t know, I just think there’s too much miscommunication between guys and girls. I mean, no one knows what the fuck is going on. We need to have the discussion. We need to vent it and get it out in the open,” I said, grabbing my drink from the bedside table. “I just want to know what guys are thinking. I mean we have sex and stuff and nothing lasting ever comes of it,” I said, taking a cigarette out and lighting it. I knew I shouldn’t be smoking in the room, but I was too drunk to care. “I don’t think I should say. We don’t know everything girls are thinking. I think some things are better left unsaid.” “I want to know. I’d prefer shit to be clearer, because I’m always confused,” I replied. I could tell he was still a bit sexually frustrated, but he seemed okay to chat.

Shtëpia Botuese

Undercover Publishing House

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 Daniel Chidiac


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