The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

1,650 L

Kundera whirls through comedy and tragedy towards his central question: how does a person, any person, live today? In constructing his answer, he writes of politics, sex, literature, modern man’s alienation – and of their antidotes: laughter and forgetting.

SKU: 9780571174379 Kategoria

In one of the finer modern ironies of the life-imitates-art sort, the country that Kundera seemed to be writing about when he talked about Czechoslovakia is, thanks to the latest political redefinitions, no longer precisely there. This kind of disappearance and reappearance is, partly, what Kundera explores in The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. In this polymorphous work — now a novel, now autobiography, now a philosophical treatise — Kundera discusses life, music, sex, philosophy, literature and politics in ways that are rarely politically correct, never classifiable but always original, entertaining and definitely brilliant.

Shtëpia Botuese

Faber & Faber Ltd

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Milan Kundera


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