The first man

1,700 L

The incomplete manuscript of The First Man, which Camus had referred to as “the novel of my maturity,” was found in a mud-spattered briefcase near the wreckage of the car in which Camus died in January of 1960, when he was forty-six. Partly a novel of childhood and partly an epic narrative of his beloved Algeria, The First Man was intended to re-create Camus’s homeland– then still a colony in a traumatic struggle for independence– for the mainland French.

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The novel takes Jacques Cormery from birth to his years in the lycee, or secondary school, in Algiers. In a departure from the intellectual and philosophical weight of his earlier works, Camus wanted this novel to be “heavy with things and flesh.” It is a novel of basic and essential things: childhood, schooldays, the life of the body, the power of the sun and the sea, the painful love of a son for his mother, the search for a lost father. But it is also about the history of a colonial people in a vast and not always hospitable African landscape; about the complex relationship of a “mother” country to its colonists; about the intimate effects of war and political revolution. Most important, The First Man brings Camus to life again, giving us a view of the man– visceral and vulnerable– that has never before been revealed.

Shtëpia Botuese

Penguins Modern Classics

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Albert Camus


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